Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 03/26/2024 Tuesday– 60 minutes (3G)

Tuesday 26 March 2024 – 3G 60 minutes

Tread Block 1

  • 6 min tread for distance

Tread Block 2

  • 90 sec push
  • 45 second WR
  • 90 sec push
  • 45 second WR
  • 90 sec push
  • 1 minute all out

Row Block 1

  • 6 min row for distance

Row Block 2

  • Match the timings of the treads i.e. 90 sec push, 45 second rest, repeat, then 90 sec push followed by a 1 min all out

Floor Block – 14 minutes

  • 8 x shoulder press to stand
  • 4 – 8 x tap jump squat, rest

Repeat above for second round

  • 8 total x alt lateral lunge to bicep curl
  • 4 – 8 x high pull with power

Repeat above for second round

  • 8 x double crunch
  • 4 – 8 x sit up with knee tuck, rest

Repeat above for second round

  • 1 minute finisher – 8 tap jump squats, 8 high pull with power, sit up knee tuck, then hold a high plank if finished