Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 08/08/2024 Thursday – 60 minutes (2G)

Thursday 8 August 2024 – 2G 60 minutes

Endurance day with a twist – push efforts using power walking at high inclines! Power on the floor with the TRX.

Tread Block – 23.5 minutes

  • 2 min base
  • 90 sec push (PW @ 6%+)
  • 2 min base
  • 90 sec PW @ 12%
  • 2 min base
  • 90 sec push (PW @ 6%+)
  • 2 min base
  • 90 sec PW @ 12%
  • 2 min base
  • 90 sec push (PW @ 6%+)
  • 2 min base
  • 90 sec PW @ 12%
  • 2 min base
  • 30 sec AO (PW @ 10%+)

Floor Block 1 – 17.5 minutes

  • 3 rounds back to back:
    • 5 x goblet squat (explosive)
    • 5 each x full lateral step up to knee raise (explosive), rest
  • 3 rounds back to back:
    • 5 x clean
    • 5 x neutral grip push press, rest
  • 3 rounds back to back:
    • 5 x plank pop
    • 5 x power pushup, rest
  • 3 rounds 20 stroke build:
    • 10 stroke push row
    • 10 stroke AO row (80 – 120m+) check distance, rest
  • Bonus: choose your favourite exercises and repeat until time is called

Floor Block 2 – 4.5 minutes back to back

  • 4 x TRX y-raise
  • 6 x TRX squat to high row
  • 8 total x TRX alt jump lunge, rest
  • Repeat until finisher:
    • 30 sec of plank pop OR
    • 30 sec of power push up