Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 8/20/2023 Sunday(2G)

Sunday 20 August 2023 – 2G 60 minutes

Tread Block 1

  • 90 sec push
  • 30 sec AO
  • 1 min WR
  • 75 sec push @ 2%
  • 30 sec AO
  • 1 min WR
  • 1 min push @ 3%
  • 30 sec AO
  • 1 min WR
  • 45 sec push @ 4%
  • 30 sec AO
  • 1 min WR
  • 30 sec push @ 5%
  • 30 sec AO

Tread Block 2

  • 45 sec push @ 4%
  • 30 sec AO
  • 75 sec WR
  • 1 min push @ 3%
  • 30 sec AO @ 2%
  • 75 sec WR
  • 75 sec push @ 2%
  • 30 sec AO @ 3%
  • 75 sec WR
  • 90 sec push
  • 30 sec AO @ 4%
  • Collapse (member’s choice)

Floor Block 1 – 11:30 minutes rep & recover

  • 90 sec of alt full step up to hammer curl
  • 30 sec of bench plank pop
  • 1 min to do 8 x straight leg raise (slow), rest remainder
  • 75 sec of alt lunge to upright row
  • 30 sec of bench plank pop
  • 1 min to do 8 x straight leg raise (slow), rest remainder
  • 1 min of bench tricep extension
  • 30 sec of bench plank pop
  • 1 min to do 8 x straight leg raise (slow), rest remainder
  • 45 sec of pullovers
  • 30 sec of bench plank pop
  • 1 min to do 8 x straight leg raise (slow), rest remainder
  • 30 sec of bench seated torso rotation
  • 30 sec of either bench plank pops OR straight leg raise

Floor Block 2 – 10.25 minutes circuit

  • 3 rounds:
    • 100 / 200 / 300m push row
    • 10 total x alt full step up to hammer curl
    • 10 total x alt lunge to upright row
    • 10 x bench tricep extension
    • 10 x pullovers
    • 10 total x bench seated torso rotation
  • If finished then just do exercises as a single block until finisher
  • Finisher: 30 sec of either bench plank pops OR straight leg raise