Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 9/03/2023 Sunday (2G)

Orangetheory workout Sunday 3 September 2023 – 2G 60 minutes

Endurance + inclines on the tread, low bench load and explode on the floor + 500m push rows. 90-second walking recovery between tread blocks.

Tread Block 1

  • 2.5 min tread for distance
  • Check distance

Tread Block 2

  • 3 min tread for distance @ 2%
  • Match or beat your distance from block 1

Tread Block 3

  • 3.5 min tread for distance @ 3%
  • Match or beat your previous best distance

Tread Block 4

  • 4 min tread for distance @ 4%
  • Match or beat your previous best distance

Tread Block 5

  • 4.5 min tread for distance, last 30 sec is AO @ 5%
  • Collapse (member’s choice)
  • Match or beat your previous best distance

Floor Block 1 – 12 minutes

  • 2 rounds:
    • Back to back – load and xplode:
      • 6 x step down reverse lunge (L)
      • 6 x reverse lunge to single leg hop (L), rest
      • 6 x step down reverse lunge (R)
      • 6 x reverse lunge to single leg hop (R), rest
    • 6 each x high plank abduction
  • 500m push row (once only)
  • If finished then repeat exercises until time called

Floor Block 2 – 10 minutes

  • 2 rounds:
    • Back to back – load and xplode:
      • 6 x chest press
      • 6 x full burpee to plank jack
    • 12 x bridge
  • 500m push row (once only)
  • If finished then repeat exercises until finisher: 30 sec of full burpee to plank jack