Orangetheory 1-Mile Benchmark (Guide, Strategy & Template)

Orangetheory 1 Mile Benchmark is a fitness challenge designed to help participants track their progress over time. During the Benchmark, participants are required to run 1 mile on a treadmill with a minimum incline of 1% in a 14-minute tread block. You get 14 minutes to complete it and the goal of the 1-mile benchmark is to get it done as quickly as possible.

Don’t worry; if you do not like running or treadmills, there are options available to you at Orangetheory.

Can You Power Walk in The Orangetheory 1 Mile Benchmark? Yes, you can. If you prefer to power walk instead of run during the 1 Mile Benchmark at Orangetheory, you can power walk 0.5 miles instead of a 1-mile run at a 4% incline.

Can You Strider or Bike Instead of The Treadmill in The Orangetheory 1 Mile Benchmark? Yes. But the treadmill, strider, and bike aren’t equal. To level the playing field, Orangetheory has a formula. Instead of running 1 mile on the treadmill, you’ll cover three miles on the strider. If you’re using the bike, the equivalent is four miles.

However, Orangetheory 1 Mile Benchmark focuses on competing with oneself, not others.

In this article, we will discuss:

  • Goal of Orangetheory 1 Mile Benchmark
  • Orangetheory 1 Mile Benchmark Pacing Guide
  • Orangetheory 1 Mile Benchmark Strategy
  • Orangetheory 1 Mile Benchmark Template
  • Are you gearing up for the 1 Mile Benchmark Run at Orangetheory?

Let’s see,

What is the Orangetheory 1 Mile Benchmark Goal?

It’s a 14-minute block. You get 14 minutes to complete it. The goal of the 1-mile benchmark is to get it done as quickly as possible in a 14-minute block.

It’s only a competition against yourself. So if this is the first time you’re running the one mile, then whatever time you get is awesome; that’s a personal record, and then the next time you do the one mile, your goal would be to beat that record.

For example, if you complete your 1-mile benchmark in 12 minutes, then your future 1-mile benchmark goal is to complete in less than 12 minutes, such as in 11 minutes. It means continually challenging yourself to improve against your previous times.

Orangetheory 1 Mile Benchmark Pacing Guide

For the Orangetheory 1 mile benchmark, it is important to establish a pacing guide to help you achieve your desired goal time.

Orangetheory 1 Mile Benchmark Pacing Guide

Power Walking (4% incline, 0.5 miles)

Speed (Mph)Time (Min: Sec)

Jogging (1% incline, 1 mile)

Speed (Mph)Time (Min: Sec)

Running (1% incline, 1 mile)

Speed (Mph)Time (Min: Sec)

Remember, these are suggested speeds and times. The key to success is finding a balance between pushing yourself and maintaining a sustainable pace.

Pace Calculator

Pace and Distance Calculator

FYI these are rough estimates for one-mile benchmark paces for this Thursday; they’re not 100% exact because of treadmill ramp-up time, etc. FYI if You start out at 6mph and stay there you won’t break 10 minutes. If you start at 10mph and hold it you won’t break 6 minutes. FYI – P/W complete a half mile. You get 14 minutes to complete. 🙌

A few tips. Know what pace you “need” and add about .2 mph. Take several deep breathes before starting, and Remember try not to tense up – relax your body as much as possible but have a “tight” controlled form while running. Then it’s all about the breathing. Keep your eyes straightahead to keep your airway clear taking big breaths in through the nose and mouth, and out through the mouth like you’re blowing out about 10 candles. The more labored I get, the more force I use blowing out. If and when you swallow do it after you breathe in, not after breathing out. If you decide to look down at your monitor, don’t do it while breathing in. When trying to maximize performance, every breath counts. Lastly and Most of all, have fun.

Tips from Coach Neal

Orangetheory 1 Mile Benchmark Strategy

Here are the most popular 3 strategies that you can opt for when tackling your 1-mile benchmark:

  1. Set It and Forget It: Choose a stable pace that you’re comfortable with and sustain it throughout the mile. This strategy is perfect for those who prefer consistency and aren’t aiming to break any records.
  2. Progressive Push: Start at a pace somewhere between your base and push pace. Then, increase your speed every minute, every 0.1 mile, or even every quarter mile. Increase your speed by 0.1 to 0.3, depending on how you’re feeling. This strategy can help you gradually up your speed while maintaining your stamina.
  3. Push, Base, Repeat then All-Out: Starting around your push pace and then maybe every 0.1 or every minute, go back your base pace. So, you’re toggling between your base and your push right there.

Besides these strategies have more strategies you can find here:


All-Out Finish: No matter what strategy you opt for, during the last 0.1 miles, crank your speed up to an all-out effort. This will ensure you finish strong and make the most of your energy reserves.

Check Previous Distances: Before the benchmark, check your past distances if you’ve done the benchmark before. This will give you an idea of what you need to maintain or exceed to hit a new personal record.

Extra Tip for Hitting a New Personal Record:

If you’ve been finding it challenging to hit a new personal record on your mile benchmark, try this strategy:

High-Intensity Start: Begin your mile at an all-out speed for the first 30 to 45 seconds. This will get you to rack up some distance upfront. Then, settle into your 1-mile pace. A 30-second all-out start can make a significant difference in helping you hit your Personal Record.

Remember to book your class and bring all your energy to the treadmill.

Orangetheory 1 Mile Benchmark Template

Here are two templates given to you. One is 2G, and another is 3G. This template was collected from Reddit.

2G Template

Tread Block 1

  • 30-sec push
  • 30-sec Walking Recovery
  • 30-sec push
  • 30-sec Walking Recovery
  • 30-sec All-Out
  • Switch to floor

Floor Block 1 – back-to-back superset

  • 30-sec of butt kicks
  • 30-sec of 1-2-3 knee drive combo
  • 30-sec of butt kicks
  • 30-sec of 1-2-3 knee drive combo
  • 30-sec of lateral bound to squat jump
  • Switch to treadmill

Tread / Row Block 2 – 14 minutes

  • Reset treadmill.
  • 1.6km / 1-mile run
  • Check time
  • Repeat until time is called:
    • 150m row
    • 160m / 0.1-mile tread
  • Switch to floor

Floor Block 2 – 14 minutes

  • 2 rounds of circuit:
    • 8 each x high plank single arm row
    • 12 x chest fly
  • 2 rounds of circuit:
    • 8 each x single arm single leg lateral step up
    • 8 each x single deadlift to knee raise
  • If finished, then repeat all exercises as a single block
  • Switch to treadmill

Tread Block 3

  • 30-sec push
  • 30-sec Walking Recovery
  • 30-sec push
  • 30-sec Walking Recovery
  • 30-sec All-Out
  • Switch to floor

Floor Block 3 – back-to-back superset

  • 30-sec of high plank alt shoulder tap
  • 30-sec of superheroes
  • 30-sec of high plank alt shoulder tap
  • 30-sec of superheroes
  • Finisher: 30-sec of high plank alt knee drive

3G Template

Tread – 14 minutes

Reset treadmill.

  • 1-mile run

Check time Repeat until finisher:

  • 0.1-mile base or push
  • 30-seconds walking recovery

Finisher: 30 second All Out

Row Block – 14 minutes

  • 600m base row
  • 12 crisscross jacks Decrease the row by 100m each round Complete 6 rounds, then row until the finisher

Finisher: 30 seconds all out

Floor Block – 14 minutes

2 rounds of circuit:

  • 8 each x high plank single arm row
  • 12 × chest fly

2 rounds of circuit:

  • 8 each × single arm single leg lateral step up
  • 8 each x single deadlift to knee raise

If finished, then repeat all exercises as a single block Finisher:

  • 30 seconds plank knee drives

Note that this template is only meant to provide you with an idea, as it may vary from studio to studio.

Are you gearing up for the 1 Mile Benchmark Run at Orangetheory?

Here are some tips to help you crush it:

  • Fuel up before class and stay hydrated. Even if it’s just a light snack, ensure you have something in your system to power you through the run.
  • If you’re not a runner, that’s okay! Power walkers, bikers, and striders can still take on the challenge. Just check with your coach for guidelines and track your time accordingly.
  • Take a breather if you need to, but never jump the rails! It’s not worth the risk of injury. Pause the treadmill, hydrate, and then get back to it.
  • Avoid holding the treadmill. This can cause misalignment and increase the likelihood of injury. It is acceptable to slow down if necessary.  Keep those arms pumping and maintain good form.

Most importantly, have fun! The Orangetheory 1 Mile Benchmark Run is a chance to push yourself and see your capabilities. Accept the challenge and remember that growth comes from leaving your comfort zone.

Are you ready to crush your record? Let’s do this!