Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 01/08/2024 Monday- 2G 60 minutes

Monday 8 January 2024 – 2G 60 minutes

Endurance on the treads. Power on the floor. Benches set up at an incline today.

Tread Block

  • Goal: use your base to get back to green (or close to it)
  • 2.25 min push
  • 15 sec surge
  • 90 sec base
  • 2.25 min push
  • 15 sec surge
  • 90 sec base
  • 2.25 min push
  • 15 sec surge
  • 90 sec base
  • 2.25 min push
  • 15 sec surge
  • 90 sec base
  • 2.25 min push
  • 15 sec surge
  • 90 sec base
  • 2.25 min push
  • 45 sec AO
  • Collapse (member’s choice)

Floor Block 1 – 6.5 minutes

  • Three rounds back to back:
    • 8 total x incline alt chest fly
    • 8 / 6 / 4 x neutral grip push press, rest
  • When done, push row

Floor Block 2 – 6.5 minutes

  • Three rounds back to back:
    • 8 x sit up stand to shoulder press
    • 8 / 6 / 4 x high pull with power, rest
  • When done, push row

Floor Block 3 – 7 minutes

  • Three rounds back to back:
    • 8 each x rfe goblet split squat
    • 8 / 6 / 4 total x alt single arm snatch, rest
  • When done, push row until finisher: 45 sec AO row