Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 03/24/2024 Sunday– 60 minutes (2G)

Sunday 24 March 2024 – 2G 60 minutes

Tread Block 1

  • 1 min push
  • 1 min base
  • 1 min push
  • 1 min base @ 1.5%
  • 1 min push
  • 1 min base @ 2%
  • 1 min push
  • 1 min base @ 2.5%
  • 1 min push
  • 1 min base @ 3%
  • 30 sec AO @ 3%

Tread Block 2

  • 1 min push
  • 1 min base @ 3%
  • 1 min push
  • 1 min base @ 2.5%
  • 1 min push
  • 1 min base @ 2%
  • 1 min push
  • 1 min base @ 1.5%
  • 1 min push
  • 1 min base
  • 30 sec AO

Floor Block 1 – 10.5 minutes

  • Buy-in: 1 min of mid band sit up to sumo squat
  • Circuit – repeat until buy-out:
    • 8 x mid band close grip chest press (on floor with legs elevated)
    • 8 x mid band double crunch
    • 8 x mid band single dumbbell good morning
  • Buy-out: 30 sec of sit up to squat jump

Floor Block 2 – 10.5 minutes

  • Buy-in: 1 min of mid band sit up to sumo squat
  • Circuit – repeat until finisher:
    • 8 each x mid band single leg hold with single arm shoulder press
    • 8 x mid band hammer curl
    • 4 x mid band goblet squat hold lateral walk
  • Finisher: 30 sec of sit up to squat jump