Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 04/24/2024 Wednesday – 60 minutes (2G)

Wednesday 24 April 2024 – 2G 60 minutes

Power day on the treads with 90 second walking recovery between blocks. Time under tension with slow reps on the floor. All out rows as buy-outs.

Tread Block 1

  • 1 min push
  • 90 sec base
  • 1 min AO
  • 1 min WR
  • 1 min AO
  • 1 min WR
  • 1 min AO

Tread Block 2

  • 1 min push
  • 75 sec base
  • 45 sec AO
  • 1 min WR
  • 45 sec AO
  • 1 min WR
  • 45 sec AO

Tread Block 3

  • 1 min push
  • 1 min base
  • 30 sec AO
  • 1 min WR
  • 30 sec AO
  • 1 min WR
  • 30 sec AO

Floor Block 1 – 7.5 minutes work & rest

  • 6 – 10 each x front loaded single arm split squat (slow), rest
  • 6 – 10 x reverse grip low row (slow), rest
  • Repeat until buy-out: 1 min AO row (200 – 300m+)

Floor Block 2 – 6.5 minutes work & rest

  • 6 – 10 x single dumbbell good morning (slow), rest
  • 6 – 10 x hollow hold close grip chest press (slow), rest
  • Repeat until buy-out: 45 sec AO row (150 – 250m+)

Floor Block 3 – 5.5 minutes work & rest

  • 6 – 10 x bridge hold with pullover (slow), rest
  • 6 – 10 x arnold press (slow), rest
  • Repeat until finisher: 30 sec AO row (100 – 200m+)