Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 04/30/2024 Tuesday– 60 minutes (2G)

Tuesday 30 April 2024 – 2G 60 minutes

Run / row today! Endurance on the treadmill, power on the rower. Floor is all unilateral drop sets with TRX core work.

Tread / Row Block – 23.25 minutes

  • Goal is to get as many rounds as possible, choose your own tread intensity but maintain AO pace on the row
    • Green: 2 rounds
    • Orange: 4 rounds
    • Red: 6 rounds+
  • Round 1:
    • 1.1km / 0.7 miles (PW 0.56 km / 0.35 miles) tread for distance
    • 100m AO row
  • Round 2:
    • 0.96km / 0.6 miles (PW 0.48km / 0.3 miles) tread for distance
    • 100m AO row
  • Round 3:
    • 0.8km / 0.5 miles (PW 0.4km / 0.25 miles) tread for distance
    • 100m AO row
  • Round 4:
    • 0.64km / 0.4 miles (PW 0.32km / 0.2 miles) tread for distance
    • 100m AO row
  • Round 5:
    • 0.48km / 0.3 miles (PW 0.24km / 0.15 miles) tread for distance
    • 100m AO row
  • Round 6:
    • 0.32km / 0.2 miles (PW 0.16km / 0.1 miles) tread for distance
    • 100m AO row
  • Round 7:
    • 0.16km / 0.1 miles (PW 0.08km / 0.05 miles) tread for distance
    • 100m AO row
  • Bonus: tread until finisher
  • Finisher: 45 sec AO tread OR rower (which ever station you are on)

Floor Block 1 – 6.75 minutes

  • Back to back – unilateral drop set:
    • 5 x single arm split squat (heavy) (L)
    • single arm split squat (lighter) AMRepsAP (L), rest
    • 5 x single arm split squat (heavy) (R)
    • single arm split squat (lighter) AMRepsAP (R), rest
  • 10 x TRX rollout

Floor Block 2 – 6.75 minutes

  • Back to back – unilateral drop set:
    • 5 x seated single arm shoulder press (heavy) (L)
    • seated single arm shoulder press (lighter) AMRepsAP (L), rest
    • 5 x seated single arm shoulder press (heavy) (R)
    • seated single arm shoulder press (lighter) AMRepsAP (R), rest
  • 5 each x TRX single arm reach with rotation

Floor Block 3 – 6.75 minutes

  • Back to back – unilateral drop set:
    • 5 x single arm low row (heavy) (L)
    • single arm low row (lighter) AMRepsAP (L), rest
    • 5 x single arm low row (heavy) (R)
    • single arm low row (lighter) AMRepsAP (R), rest
  • 5 each x TRX lateral leg lift
  • Repeat until finisher:
    • 45 sec of squat OR
    • 45 sec of shoulder press OR
    • 45 sec of low row