Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 05/12/2024 Sunday– 60 minutes (2G)

Sunday 12 May 2024 – 2G 60 minutes

Power day and a switch template! 90 seconds between blocks, 2 minutes to transition. Load and xplode on the floor with power rows.

Tread Block 1

  • 45 sec push
  • 45 sec base
  • 45 sec push
  • 45 sec base
  • 45 sec push
  • 45 sec AO

Tread Block 2

  • 45 sec AO
  • 30 sec WR
  • 45 sec AO
  • 45 sec WR
  • 45 sec AO
  • 1 min WR
  • 45 sec AO

2 minutes to transition to floor

Floor Block 1 – 4.5 minutes back to back load & xplode

  • 5 each x goblet step out squat
  • 5 each x TRX reverse lunge to single leg jump, rest

Floor / Row Block 2 – 5.25 minutes work & active recovery

  • 100m AO row (0:15 – 0:30)
  • 12 x bicep curl

2 minutes transition to treadmill

Tread Block 3

  • 45 sec push
  • 45 sec base
  • 45 sec push
  • 45 sec base
  • 45 sec push
  • 45 sec AO

Tread Block 4

  • 45 sec AO
  • 30 sec WR
  • 45 sec AO
  • 45 sec WR
  • 45 sec AO
  • 1 min WR
  • 45 sec AO

2 minutes to transition to floor

Floor Block 3 – 4.5 minutes back to back load & xplode

  • 5 each x reverse lunge
  • 10 total x lateral bound to single leg hop, rest

Floor / Row Block 4 – 5.25 minutes work & active recovery

  • 100m AO row (0:15 – 0:30)
  • 12 x two dumbbell tricep extension
  • Repeat until finisher: 45 sec AO row