Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 05/20/2024 Monday– Mayhem #3 “Coming in hot” 2G 60 minutes

Monday 20 May 2024 – Mayhem #3 “Coming in hot” 2G 60 minutes

Today we have Treadferno! 23.5 minutes on the tread block in a run / rep style effort. Load and explode with anchor efforts and a bosu block on the floor.

No rowing in the 2G this morning.

Tread / Rep Block 23.5 minutes

  • Goals:
    • Green: 1.6km (1 mile)
    • Orange: 2.4km (1.5 miles)
    • Red: 3.2km (2 miles)
    • Mayhem: 4km (2.5 miles)
  • Reset treadmill, goal is to accumulate as much distance as possible in the 23.5 minute block
  • 1 min push to AO + 6 each x reverse lunge to single leg knee drive
  • 1.25 min push to AO + 6 each x reverse lunge to single leg knee drive
  • 1.5 min push to AO + 6 each x reverse lunge to single leg knee drive
  • Repeat until finisher, adding 15 seconds to the tread effort each round
  • Finisher: 30 sec AO

Floor Block 1 – 6.75 minutes circuit load & xplode anchor

  • 8 each x bosu split stance single arm low row
  • anchor: 4 x power push up
  • 8 x bosu tricep extension
  • anchor: 4 x power push up
  • 8 each x bosu single arm chest press
  • anchor: 4 x power push up

Floor Block 2 – 6.75 minutes circuit anchor

  • 8 each x bosu split leg crunch
  • anchor: 4 x bosu high plank jack
  • 8 each x bosu full v-up
  • anchor: 4 x bosu high plank jack
  • 8 total x bosu bicycle crunch
  • anchor: 4 x bosu high plank jack

Floor Block 3 – 6.75 minutes load & xplode anchor

  • 8 each x single arm lateral shift
  • anchor: 8 x hip hinge swing
  • 8 x goblet squat
  • anchor: 8 x hip hinge swing
  • 8 x sumo deadlift
  • anchor: 8 x hip hinge swing
  • Repeat until finisher:
    • 30 sec of power pushup OR
    • 30 sec of bosu high plank jack OR
    • 30 sec of hip hinge swing