Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 06/14/2024 Friday– 60 minutes (2G)

Friday 14 June 2024 – 3G 60 minutes

It is Capture The Flag!

Two 10 minute blocks then partner up for CTF.

Block 1 – Floor


TRX squat to high row

Kneeling bicep curl

Low plank spiderman

Lying back extension with lat pulldown

Block 2 – Tread

( 2 min push / 1 minute base) x 3

1 minute AO

Capture the Flag

Partner A rows while Partner B does floor exercises and the tread. B is the pacer.


12 med ball squat to press

12 med ball side lunge

12 med ball double crunch


Round 1 .2 miles (0.1 PW @ 6 incline)

Round 2 0.15 mile (0.1 PW @ 6 incline)

Round 3 (and repeat) 0.8 miles (0.5 PW @ 6 incline)

Orange flag is 3,000m

Green flag is 4,000m

Red flag is 5,000