Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 06/26/2024 Wednesday– 60 minutes (2G)

Wednesday 26 June 2024 – 2G 60 minutes

Switch template today. Pushes (and all outs) at incline today. Strength and power on the floor.

Tread Block 1 – 7 minutes

  • 2 min push (PW @ 6%+)
  • 1 min base
  • 1 min push @ 4% (PW @ 8%+)
  • 1 min base
  • 30 sec push @ 6% (PW @ 10%+)
  • 1 min base
  • 30 sec AO @ 8% (PW @ 10%+)
  • Switch to floor

Floor Block 1 – 7 minutes circuit

  • 8 each x single arm squat to press
  • 8 x single dumbbell good morning
  • 8 total x sprinter sit-up
  • Switch to treadmill

Tread Block 2 – 6.5 minutes

  • 90 sec push (PW @ 6%+)
  • 1 min base
  • 1 min push @ 3% (PW @ 7%+)
  • 1 min base
  • 30 sec push @ 5% (PW @ 9%+)
  • 1 min base
  • 30 sec AO @ 7% (PW @ 10%+)
  • Switch to row

Row Block – 6.5 minutes circuit construct

  • Round 1:
    • 400m push row
    • 10 x medicine ball squat
  • Round 2:
    • 200m push row
    • 10 x medicine ball squat to front press
  • Round 3:
    • 100m push row
    • 10 x medicine ball squat jump to front press
  • Bonus: repeat round 3 until time called
  • Switch to tread

Tread Block 3 – 6.75 minutes

  • 1 min push (PW @ 6%+)
  • 1 min base
  • 45 sec push @ 2% (PW @ 7%+)
  • 1 min base
  • 30 sec push @ 4% (PW @ 9%+)
  • 1 min base
  • 30 sec AO @ 4% (PW @ 10%+)
  • 30 sec WR
  • 30 sec AO
  • Switch to floor

Floor Block 2 – 6.75 minutes circuit

  • 8 total x alt single arm snatch
  • 8 each x goblet reverse lunge to single leg knee drive
  • 8 total x high plank alt wide step with power
  • Repeat until finisher:
    • 30 sec of sprinter sit-up OR
    • 30 sec of high plank alt wide step with power