Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 06/27/2024 Thursday– 60 minutes (2G)

Thursday 27 June 2024 – 2G 60 minutes

Endurance / power on the treads. Timed block + endurance / bosu on the floor. 90 seconds recovery between floor blocks.

Tread Block – 23.5 minutes

  • Goal: increase your pace each round
  • 2 min base to push
  • 30 sec WR
  • 2 min push
  • 1 min sec WR
  • 2 min push to AO
  • 90 sec WR
  • 2 min push to AO
  • 2 min WR
  • 2 min push to AO
  • 2.5 min WR
  • 2 min push to AO
  • 3 min WR
  • 1 min AO

Floor Block 1 – 7.5 minutes back to back

  • 30 sec of low row
  • 30 sec of alt forward lunge
  • 30 sec of hammer curl
  • 30 sec of front squat
  • 30 sec recovery
  • 30 sec of low row
  • 30 sec of alt forward lunge
  • 30 sec of hammer curl
  • 30 sec of front squat
  • 1 min recovery
  • 30 sec of low row
  • 30 sec of alt forward lunge
  • 30 sec of hammer curl
  • 30 sec of front squat

Floor Block 2 – 14.5 minutes circuit

  • 12 each x split squat (rear foot on bosu)
  • 8 x bosu kneeling lateral raise to neutral grip front raise
  • 8 each x bosu kneeling hip thrust with low to high chop
  • 12 bosu high plank jack
  • 10 stroke AO row (80 – 120m+), each round add 5 strokes
  • Repeat (adding strokes to row) until finisher: 1 min of bosu high plank jack