Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 08/03/2024 Saturday – 60 minutes (2G)

Saturday 3 August 2024 – 2G 60 minutes

Power on the treads and the floor today. Coach was asking us to get back to base in the walking recovery but not sure if that was part of the official template. 90 seconds of recovery between blocks.

Tread Block 1 – 8.5 minutes

  • 90 sec push
  • 90 sec base
  • 1 min AO
  • 1 min WR
  • 1 min AO
  • 90 sec WR
  • 1 min AO

Tread Block 2 – 6.75 minutes

  • 1 min push
  • 1 min base
  • 45 sec AO
  • 1 min WR
  • 45 sec AO
  • 90 sec WR
  • 45 sec AO

Tread Block 3 – 5 minutes

  • 30 sec push
  • 30 sec base
  • 30 sec AO
  • 1 min WR
  • 30 sec AO
  • 90 sec WR
  • 30 sec AO

Floor Block 1 – 8.5 minutes

  • Back to back – unload, load & xplode:
    • 8 x TRX bridge row
    • 8 each x bird dog low row
    • 8 x bridge (explosive), rest
  • 8 each x standing high to low chop

Floor Block 2 – 13.25 minutes

  • Work & rest:
    • 4 – 8 total x lateral hop over, rest
    • 4 – 8 x clean to front squat, rest
    • 4 – 8 x power push up, rest
    • 4 – 8 x chest press (explosive), rest
  • 400m push row
  • Repeat until finisher:
    • 30 sec of clean to front squat OR
    • 30 sec of chest press (explosive)