Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 08/25/2024 Sunday – 60 minutes (2G)

Sunday 25 August 2024 – 2G 60 minutes

Nice endurance / power style template today. 90 seconds recovery between the floor blocks. Benches are set up low today.

Tread Block – 23.5 minutes

  • Goal: Improve your 400m / 0.25 mile tread time each round
  • Round 1: 4.5 minutes to tread 400m (0.25 miles) – PW half distance, WR and back to base when recovered
  • Round 2: 4.5 minutes to tread 400m (0.25 miles) – PW half distance, WR and back to base when recovered
  • Round 3: 4.5 minutes to tread 400m (0.25 miles) – PW half distance, WR and back to base when recovered
  • Round 4: 4.5 minutes to tread 400m (0.25 miles) – PW half distance, WR and back to base when recovered
  • Round 5: 4.5 minutes to tread 400m (0.25 miles) – PW half distance, WR and back to base when recovered
  • 1 min AO

Floor Block – 16.5 minutes work & active recovery: anchor

  • Round 1:
    • 16 total x alt step down reverse lunge to single leg knee drive
    • anchor: 8 total x deep squat to alt single arm t-spine rotation to stand
    • 16 total x alt bicycle press
    • anchor: 8 total x deep squat to alt single arm t-spine rotation to stand
    • 12 each x split stance deadlift
    • anchor: 8 total x deep squat to alt single arm t-spine rotation to stand
  • Round 2:
    • 16 total x alt step down reverse lunge to single leg knee drive
    • anchor: 8 total x high plank to pike with alt ankle tap
    • 16 total x alt bicycle press
    • anchor: 8 total x high plank to pike with alt ankle tap
    • 12 each x split stance deadlift
    • anchor: 8 total x high plank to pike with alt ankle tap
  • Bonus: repeat non-anchor exercises until time is called

Row Block – 5.5 minutes back to back

  • Four rounds:
    • 200m / 150m / 100m / 50m row
    • 6 x high pull with power, rest
  • If finished then row until finisher:
    • 1 min AO row OR
    • 1 min of high pull with power