Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 08/30/2024 Friday – 60 minutes (2G)

Friday 30 August 2024 – 2G 60 minutes

Endurance + strength on the treadmills. Your choice of either rowing or burpees on the floor (or a mix of both?). Core blast to finish. 90 seconds recoveries between blocks.

Tread Block 1 – 18.5 minutes

  • Goal: increase your push pace each round
  • 2 min push
  • 2 min base
  • 2 min base @ 4%
  • 2 min base
  • 90 sec push
  • 90 sec base
  • 90 sec base @ 5%
  • 90 sec base
  • 1 min push
  • 1 min base
  • 1 min base @ 6%
  • 1 min base
  • 30 sec AO

Tread Block 2 – 3.5 minutes

  • 30 sec AO @ 6%
  • 30 sec WR @ 6%
  • 30 sec AO @ 5%
  • 30 sec WR @ 5%
  • 30 sec AO @ 4%
  • 30 sec WR @ 4%
  • 30 sec AO

Floor Block 1 – 18.5 minutes

  • 3 rounds of circuit:
    • 12 x upright row
    • 12 x hammer curl
    • 12 total x alt lateral lunge
    • 12 x good morning
    • Member’s choice: 600m push row OR 15 x burpee
  • Bonus: Pick your favourite exercises and repeat @ 10 reps

Floor Block 2 – 3.5 minutes work & rest

  • 30 sec of low plank alt wide knee drive, 30 sec rest
  • 30 sec of bicycle crunch, 30 sec rest
  • 30 sec of low plank alt wide knee drive , 30 sec rest
  • Finisher: 30 sec of bicycle crunch