Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 09/04/2024 Wednesday – 2000m benchmark row 2G 60 minutes

Wednesday 4 September 2024 – 2000m benchmark row 2G 60 minutes

Main focus is on the 2k row, don’t gas yourself before the main event. If you want to do the row first then start on the floor / warmup on the rower. This is a switch template. There is probably 90 seconds between blocks.

Tread / Floor Block 1 – 13 minutes

  • Buy-in: 480m / 0.3 mile (PW half distance) tread for time (once only)
  • Circuit:
    • 10 x hip hinge swing
    • 5 each x TRX single arm reach with rotation
    • 10 x bent leg raise to toe reach
    • 10 total x alt super hero

Row / Tread Block 2 – 13 minutes

  • Set row monitor to 2000m count down
  • 2000m row
  • Check time, collapse (member’s choice)
  • Repeat until time is called:
    • 160m / 0.1 mile tread
    • 30 sec WR

Tread Block 3 – 7 minutes

  • 30 sec push
  • 90 sec base
  • 30 sec push
  • 90 sec base
  • 30 sec push
  • 90 sec base
  • 1 min AO

Floor Block 4 – 7 minutes circuit

  • 10 x TRX chest press
  • 10 total x tall kneeling alt halo
  • 10 each x low side plank pendulum with kick stand
  • Repeat until finisher:
    • 1 min high plank OR
    • 1 min low plank