Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 03/17/2024 Sunday– 60 minutes (3G)

Sunday 17 March 2024 – 3G 60 minutes

Treadmill block 1: 3 min

  • 1 min base
  • 1 min push
  • 1 min all out

Treadmill block 2: 6min 15 sec

  • 1 min all out with 1 min WR
  • 1 min all out with 1 min WR
  • 45 sec all out with 45 sec WR
  • 45 sec all out

Treadmill block 3: 3 min

  • 1 min base
  • 1 min push
  • 1 min all out

Rowing block 1: 3 min

  • same as treadmill

Rowing block 2: 6min15sec

  • 15 stroke all out, rack and rest
  • Repeat until time

Rowing block 3: 3 min

  • same as treadmill

Floor block 1: 10min15sec

  • TRX pull up 6 reps
  • Chest press explosive 4-8 reps
  • Goblet step down toe tap 6 reps each
  • Hip bridge 4-8 reps
  • Chest fly 6 reps
  • Low row 4-8 reps

Floor block 2: 3 min

  • Coaches choice miniband core blast