Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 03/20/2024 Wednesday– 60 minutes (3G)

Wednesday 20 March 2024 – 3G 60 minutes

Tread Block 1 – 6min

• ⁠90 sec push

• ⁠60 sec base

• ⁠90 sec push @ 2%

• ⁠60 sec base

• ⁠60 sec AO @ 3%

• ⁠Check distance

Tread Block 2 – 7min

• ⁠90 sec push @ 4%

• ⁠60 sec base

• ⁠90 sec push @ 5%

• ⁠90 sec base

• ⁠60 sec AO @ 6%

• ⁠Check distance, try to beat your distance from the first round

⁠Transition to Row

Row Block 1 – 6 minutes

• ⁠Accumulate distance, don’t reset rower:

  • ⁠200m AO Row
  • ⁠12 alternating single leg med ball twists
  • ⁠Check distance

Row Block 2 – 7 minutes

• ⁠Accumulate distance, don’t reset rower:

  • ⁠200m AO Row
  • ⁠8 single leg split squat push press per leg

  •     Last minute is AO row

  • ⁠⁠Check distance, try to beat distance from block 1

Transition to Floor

Floor Block 1 – 6 minutes

• ⁠Back to back superset:

  • ⁠10 x chest press
  • ⁠reciprocating chest press AMRepsAP, rest

• ⁠Back to back superset:

  • ⁠10 x goblet squat
  • ⁠alt goblet step down squat

Floor Block 2 – 7 minutes

• ⁠Back to back superset:

  • ⁠10 x shoulder press
  • ⁠reciprocating shoulder press press AMRepsAP, rest

Back to back superset:

  • ⁠5 each x reverse lunge
  • ⁠alt step down reverse lunge to single

• ⁠Finisher: Dynamic Plank off the bench