Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 06/17/2024 Monday– 60 minutes (3G)

Monday 17 June 2024 – 3G 60 minutes


  • 1 min push
  • 2 min base
  • 1 min push
  • 2 min base
  • 1 min push
  • 2 min base
  • 1 min push
  • 2 min base
  • 1 min push
  • 1 min AO

Goal: increase your push each round, and it’s ok to decrease your base in order to do this.


Repeat each bullet point 2x:

  • 400m build: 200m push –> 200m AO, rest, restercise
  • 300m build: 150m push –> 150m AO, rest, restercise
  • 200m build: 100m push –>100m AO, rest, restercise

restercise = 5x each: MB rainbow while holding split squat stance

If you finish, row for distance until finisher

finisher = 1 min AO row


Repeat 2 rounds:

  • 8x each: high row with one knee on the bench
  • 8 total: “L” raise
  • rest
  • hold bear plank until you can’t hold it any longer with target of at least 20s

Repeat 2 rounds:

  • 8x each: stand on bench and hold a weigh “goblet” style, lower one toe down like you’re dipping it in pool water and bring it back up
  • 4x total: lateral walk while squatting … 3 steps = 1 rep
  • rest
  • 8 total: bear step

If you finish, repeat all exercises in one big block (1 round each) until finisher

finisher = your choice: 1 min of bear plank hold or 1 min of bear step