Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 12/30/2023 Saturday (3G)

Saturday 30 December 2023 – 3G 60 minutes

Tread Block 1 (14 min)

  • 30 push
  • 30 base
  • 45 push
  • 45 base
  • 1 min push
  • 1 min base
  • 75 push
  • 75 base
  • 90 push
  • 90 base
  • 1 min, 45 push
  • 1 min, 45 base
  • 30 all out

Row Block 1 (14 min)

  • 20 stroke push row (slow, strong strokes —> 22-24)
  • 8 each split squat to shoulder press
  • 8 squat to bicep curl
  • add 2 to rep count each round (8/10/12/14…….)
  • Finisher: 30 all out with group

Floor Block 1 (14 min)

  • 10/12/14 bosu bridge
  • 10/12/14 bosu low row (each side, not total)
  • 10/12/14 bosu tricep kickback (each side, not total)
  • ~15 second bosu bird dog hold?
  • ~15 second bosu bird dog hold? (other side)
  • Finisher: 30 sec bosu mountain climbers with group