Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 03/20/2024 Wednesday– 60 minutes (2G)

Wednesday 20 March 2024 – 2G 60 minutes

Incline+ distance challenges + super sets on the floor with low benches. Power rows. Power walkers add 3% minimum to the incline. Switch template.

Tread Block 1

  • Clear screen
  • 90 sec push
  • 30 sec base
  • 90 sec push @ 2%
  • 30 sec base
  • 30 sec AO @ 3%
  • Check distance
  • 1 min WR
  • Clear screen
  • 90 sec push @ 4%
  • 1 min base
  • 90 sec push @ 5%
  • 1 min base
  • 30 sec AO @ 6%
  • Check distance, try to beat your distance from the first round
  • Transition to floor

Floor Block 1 – 11 minutes

  • Back to back superset:
    • 10 x chest press
    • reciprocating chest press AMRepsAP, rest
  • Back to back superset:
    • 10 x goblet squat
    • alt goblet step down squat AMRepsAP, rest
  • 150m AO row (0:22 – 0:45)
  • Repeat until time is called then switch to treadmill

Tread Block 2

  • Clear screen
  • 90 sec push
  • 30 sec base
  • 90 sec push @ 2%
  • 30 sec base
  • 30 sec AO @ 3%
  • Check distance
  • 1 min WR
  • Clear screen
  • 90 sec push @ 4%
  • 1 min base
  • 90 sec push @ 5%
  • 1 min base
  • 30 sec AO @ 6%
  • Check distance, try to beat your distance from the first round
  • Transition to floor

Floor Block 1 – 11 minutes

  • Back to back superset:
    • 10 x shoulder press
    • reciprocating shoulder press press AMRepsAP, rest
  • Back to back superset:
    • 5 each x reverse lunge
    • alt step down reverse lunge to single leg knee drive AMRepsAP, rest
  • 150m AO row (0:22 – 0:45)
  • Repeat until finisher: 30 sec of squat jacks using the low bench