Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 03/30/2024 Saturday– 60 minutes (3G)

Saturday 30 March 2024 – 3G 60 minutes

Rower Block:

  • 60 sec AO; 16 in-outs
  • 45 sec AO; 16 in-outs
  • 30 sec AO; 16 in-outs
  • 60 sec AO; 8 foot exchanges
  • 45 sec AO; 8 foot exchanges
  • 30 sec AO; 8 foot exchanges
  • 60 sec AO; 2 in-outs; 4 foot exchanges
  • 45 sec AO; 2 in-outs; 4 foot exchanges
  • 30 sec AO; 2 in-outs; 4 foot exchanges
  • Row until finisher

-Finisher: 30 sec AO row (timed with other stations)

Floor Block:

  • 10 x TRX y-raise
  • 10 x TRX low row (explosive); rest
  • Repeat same block one more time
  • 5 single arm overhead reverse lunge (R),
  • 5 x single arm snatch (R)
  • 5 x single arm overhead reverse lunge (L),
  • 5 x single arm snatch (L); rest
  • Repeat same block one more time
  • 10 total x high plank alt low row
  • 10 x plank pop; rest
  • Repeat same block one more time
  • Repeat all exercises as one block until time for finisher
  • Finisher: 30 seconds plank pops (timed with other stations)

Tread Block: Self directed

  • .1 mile base then .5 mile push; 30 Sec WR
  • .1 mile base then .2 mile push, 30 sec WR
  • .1 mile base then .2 mile push, 30 sec WR
  • .1 mile base then .1 mile push, 30 sec WR
  • .1 mile base then .1 mile push, 30 sec WR
  • .1 mile base then .1 mile push, 30 sec WR
  • Tread for distance until time for finisher
  • Finisher: 30 sec all out (timed with other stations)

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