Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 04/04/2024 Thursday– 2000 meter Benchmark 60 minutes (2G)

Today is Orangetheory’s “2000 meter Benchmark” day. The last time I participated in a “2000 meter Benchmark” class, I followed a specific workout template. Here is that template.

Orangetheory 2k row benchmark 2G 60 minutes

Tread / Floor Block 1 – 13 minutes

  • Buy-in: 500m / 0.3 mile push (PW 250m / 0.15 mile @ 5%+) (once only)
  • Circuit:
    • 10 x hip hinge swing
    • 5 each x TRX single arm reach with rotation
    • 10 total x bent leg raise to toe reach
    • 10 total x alt super hero

Row Block – 13 minutes

  • Reset rower
  • 2000m row for time
  • Check time
  • Repeat until time called:
    • 200m / 0.1 mile tread
    • 30 sec WR

Tread Block 2

  • Goal: increase push pace each round
  • 30 sec push
  • 90 sec base
  • 30 sec push
  • 90 sec base
  • 30 sec push
  • 90 sec base
  • 1 min AO

Floor Block 2 – 7 minutes circuit

  • 10 x TRX chest press
  • 10 total x alt tall kneeling halo
  • 10 each x low side plank pendulum with kick stand
  • Repeat until finisher: 1 min high plank OR low plank

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