Orangetheory 2G Vs. 3G Workouts: Comparison, Templates, and More

Orangetheory Fitness features two distinct class structures: the 2G format (2 Groups) and the 3G format (3 Groups). Both structures are designed to deliver an intense workout that combines elements of cardiovascular and strength training, but they vary in the grouping and rotation through the workout stations.

The difficulty level can fluctuate based on the specific workout template of the day, with 3G classes generally perceived as slightly more challenging than 2G classes due to reduced time at each station, though the exercises tend to be similar across both formats.

What are Orangetheory 2G and 3G?

Orangetheory 2G:

During a 2G class, participants are split into two cohorts, with only two out of the three available stations being used at any one time. Typically, one group embarks on their workout on treadmills, while the second group rotates between rowing machines and floor-based weight exercises.

What are Orangetheory 2G and 3G

Orangetheory 3G:

A 3G class sees attendees divided into three groups, with each group dedicated to one of the Orangetheory workout stations: the treadmill, the rowing machine, and the weight training area on the floor. The structure ensures that each group spends an equal amount of the class period at every station, fully integrating all three components of the workout.

Comparison of 2G and 3G Classes in Orangetheory Fitness

Facility Capacity2G Class Distribution3G Class Distribution
Treadmill (12 Stations)Half the class is always at the Treadmill station; participants usually dedicate half their workout time here.A third of the class is continuously on the Treadmill; workout time per member here is roughly one-third of the session.
Rower (12 Stations)One out of the two groups alternates between the Rower and Floor exercises; members often spend half their session on these combined stations.A third of the class occupies the Rower at any time, with each participant spending about one-third of the class on this station.
Floor (12 Stations)Participants alternate between the Rower and Floor exercises as part of the second group; the time spent is usually half the class duration.Floor exercises are done by one of the three groups, with each member dedicating a third of their workout time to this station.

In both 2G and 3G class formats, regardless of whether the studio size is standard or larger, the number of stations remains constant. The main difference lies in the division of time and focus across the Treadmill, Rower, and Floor stations, with 2G classes allowing for longer periods at each station compared to the 3G classes.

Pros and Cons of Orangetheory 2G and 3G Classes

Orangetheory 2G Classes


  • Extended Time: Participants have more time at each station, which can be beneficial for endurance building and for those who prefer a less rushed experience.
  • Focused Training: With only two stations, members can concentrate more on each exercise type (cardio and strength or power), potentially leading to better technique and stronger performance.
  • Smaller Class Size: Typically, 2G classes have fewer participants, allowing for a more intimate setting and potentially more personalized attention from coaches.


  • Less Variety: Some may find the 2G format less dynamic since there’s one less station rotation compared to 3G classes.
  • Longer Wait Times: If a particular station (treadmill or rower) is a member’s least favorite, they will have to spend a longer period before switching.
  • Limited Availability: During peak hours, the capacity for 2G classes might be reached quickly, leading to waitlists.

Orangetheory 3G Classes


  • Variety: With three different stations, there’s more variety in workouts, which can keep things interesting and engaging.
  • Frequent Rotation: The regular change of stations can be energizing and may help to reduce boredom or fatigue associated with one type of exercise.
  • Higher Capacity: 3G classes can accommodate more members at once, making it easier to book a spot during busy times.


  • Shorter Intervals: Less time at each station might make it feel like there’s insufficient time to get into a rhythm or reach maximum effort before switching.
  • More Transitions: Frequent station changes can lead to more downtime due to transitions and potential confusion, especially for new members.
  • Complexity: For beginners, the faster pace and rotation through more stations can be overwhelming and potentially reduce the focus on form and technique.

Orangetheory 2G and 3G Templates

Orangetheory 2G Template (60 minutes)

Tread / Row Block

  • 3 min push
  • 1 min transition to rower
  • 1 min AO row
  • 30-sec recovery
  • 1 min AO row
  • 30-sec recovery
  • 1 min AO row
  • 1 min transition to treadmill
  • 3 min push
  • 1 min transition to rower
  • 45 sec AO row
  • 30-sec recovery
  • 45 sec AO row
  • 30-sec recovery
  • 45 sec AO row
  • 1 min transition to treadmill
  • 3 min push
  • 1 min transition to rower
  • 30 sec AO row
  • 30-sec recovery
  • 30 sec AO row
  • 30-sec recovery
  • 30 sec AO row

Floor Block – 23.75 minutes

  • 3 rounds back-to-back superset:
    • 10 x reverse grip low row
    • alt bicep curl AMRepsAP, rest
    • 10 x overhead tricep extension
  • 3 rounds back-to-back superset:
    • 10 total x alt lateral lunge
    • pulsing half squat AMRepsAP, rest
    • 10 x bridge
  • When done, circuit until finisher:
    • 10 total x alt full v-up
    • 10 total x seated torso rotation
  • Finisher: 30 sec of reverse grip low row OR alt lateral lunge

Orangetheory 3G Template (60 minutes)

Tread Block 1 – 2.75 minutes

  • 2.75 minute tread for distance @ 8%
  • Check distance

Tread Block 2 – 2.75 minutes

  • 2.75 minute tread for distance @ 6%
  • Match or beat your distance from block 1

Tread Block 3 – 2.75 minutes

  • 2.75 minute tread for distance @ 4%
  • Match or beat your previous best distance

Tread Block 4 – 2.75 minutes

  • 2.25 minute tread for distance @ 2%
  • 30 sec AO
  • Match or beat your previous best distance

Row Block 1 – 2.75 minutes

  • 50m AO row
  • 10 x medicine ball squat to bicep curl
  • 10 x medicine ball jack press
  • Repeat until time is called

Row Block 2 – 2.75 minutes

  • 100m AO row
  • 2 rounds of:
    • 8 x medicine ball squat to bicep curl
    • 8 x medicine ball jack press
  • If finished then row until time is called

Row Block 3 – 2.75 minutes

  • 150m AO row
  • 2 rounds of:
    • 6 x medicine ball squat to bicep curl
    • 6 x medicine ball jack press
  • If finished then row until time is called

Row Block 4 – 2.75 minutes

  • 200m AO row
  • 2 rounds of:
    • 4 x medicine ball squat to bicep curl
    • 4 x medicine ball jack press
  • If finished then row until finisher: 30 sec AO row

Floor Block – 14 minutes circuit

  • Increase rep count by 2 each round
  • 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 x burpee
  • 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 x hand release push up
  • 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 x tap squat
  • 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 x seated hammer curl to neutral grip shoulder press
  • 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 total x front loaded alt reverse lunge
  • Finisher: 30 sec of high plank alt knee drive

Which Is Better for Beginners?

For those just starting their Orangetheory journey, the 2G format often comes across as the more approachable option. The reasoning is simple: rowing can be technically challenging for novices, and 2G classes provide the possibility of bypassing the rower in favor of focusing on treadmill cardio and strength training. These areas tend to be more straightforward for beginners to master the correct form.

Which Burns More Calories 2G or 3G?

When it comes to caloric burn, the distinction between 2G and 3G classes is typically negligible. It’s the daily workout template that tends to influence calorie expenditure more significantly.

For instance, some members find that sessions with intensive rowing lead to a higher burn, which is a staple of the 3G format.

However, it’s worth noting that muscle mass, which can be built more effectively during the extended weight room segments in 2G workouts, helps increase resting caloric burn.

Conversely, 3G sessions offer increased rowing durations, which can engage nearly the entire body. The caloric burn, therefore, can hinge on an individual’s ability to maintain an elevated heart rate, especially on the rower, which may become more achievable as one’s rowing proficiency improves.

Is Orangetheory 2G or 3G Harder?

Both 2G and 3G classes pack a punch in terms of intensity. Each session aims for participants to achieve at least 12 splat points, corresponding to a minimum of 12 minutes spent in the high-effort Orange and Red heart rate zones. These zones are indicative of substantial exertion.

While both formats are challenging, 3G is often perceived as more intense. This perception is due to the brisker pace with shorter breaks between stations, as the exercises are cycled through more rapidly to accommodate the three-group structure.

Moreover, in 3G classes, participants are required to engage with all three types of workouts – treadmill, rower, and strength training – offering no respite from the demanding rowing intervals. In contrast, 2G classes may afford a bit more breathing room, with a slightly less frenetic transition between stations.

To Sum Up

Orangetheory 2G and 3G classes offer unique benefits and challenges that cater to different preferences and fitness goals. The 2G format, with its longer station times, may be better suited for beginners who wish to focus on mastering form and building endurance in running and strength training, while potentially minimizing the more technically demanding rowing component.

On the other hand, the 3G classes provide a more varied and fast-paced workout, which can be ideal for those seeking diversity in their exercise routine and a more consistent rowing practice, which is beneficial for full-body engagement and cardiovascular improvement.