Orangetheory Tornado Class: Workout Template and Tips

The Orangetheory Tornado class is a unique and high-energy workout. During a Tornado class, you’ll move quickly between stations, doing a variety of exercises at each. The class usually includes 3 rounds, with each round having 3 stations featuring exercises like treadmill running, rowing, and weightlifting. You spend a set amount of time at each station before moving swiftly to the next.

The Tornado class is all about a fast pace and constant change, with short 60-second to 2-minute intervals at each station and brief rests in between. The aim is to work hard in each segment.

Example of Orangetheory Tornado class:

If you’re as lucky as I was last month with a small class size, everyone kicks off on the treadmills. A 4-minute run where you’re pushing hard for 3 minutes and then going all out for the last minute before a quick cooldown. Next, you transition to the rowers for another intense 4 minutes, alternating between 200-meter rows and 12-16 plyometric exercises.

After you’ve torched those calories, you’re onto the weight floor for 4 minutes, focusing on two resistance training exercises. Then it’s back to the treads to do it all over again, but this time, each segment is just 3 minutes. The intensity ramps up as you cycle through the stations with the time dropping to 2 minutes, then down to 1 minute for each.

And for the grand finale? A full minute of all-out burpees. It’s a workout that’ll leave you breathless, but the feeling of accomplishment is unbeatable.”

Regular Orangetheory Class vs. Tornado Class:

The primary difference lies in the class format. In a regular Orangetheory class, you spend more time at each station before rotating. In a Tornado class, you switch stations rapidly, spending less time at each but visiting them more often.

Goals of Orangetheory Tornado Class:

The Tornado class aims to ramp up overall fitness, enhance strength and endurance, and torch calories. It’s meant to be tough but is scalable for all levels, with exercises that can be modified to meet individual abilities and needs.

Orangetheory Tornado Template

There are 2 tornado templates each month and your studio can choose to do both/one/none and you won’t know which one it is until you’re in class!

Nevertheless, I’ve given you a template below to give you a rough idea of what the Tornado class is really like.

Tread Block 1

  • 1 min base to push
  • 1 min push
  • 1 min push to AO
  • 1 min AO

Row Block 1

  • 3 min push row
  • 1 min AO row

Floor Block 1

  • TRX high pull x8
  • Lateral raise bench step down (L) x8
  • Hammer curl bench step down (R) x8
  • Repeat until time

Tread Block 2

  • 1 min base at 4%
  • 1 min base at 3%
  • 1 min base at 2%
  • 1 min AO at 1%

Row Block 2

  • 30 sec AO row, 24 strokes/min
  • Pulsing half squats x15
  • Repeat until time

Floor Block 2

  • Chest press (bench) x8
  • Bench low row x8
  • Repeat until time

Tread Block 3

  • 1 min AO
  • 1 min WR
  • 1 min base
  • 1 min AO

Row Block 3

  • 1 min AO row
  • 1 min recovery
  • 1 min base row
  • 1 min AO row

Floor Block 3

  • All exercises on left first, then right, repeat for time
  • Dumbbell high pull x4-8
  • Push press x4-8
  • Dumbbell held above the shoulder x4-8

When Do Orangetheory Tornado Classes Occur?

Orangetheory Fitness rolls out two Tornado templates each month. It’s up to the individual studios to decide when and how often to hold Tornado classes. These special sessions are marked as Tornado on the app or schedule, so you know when to expect the whirlwind.

Will every class on a tornado day be a tornado template instead of the regular one?

Yes, if it’s Tornado Day, every class will follow the Tornado format. Studios select when they wish to host these sessions, with 2 or 3 Tornado templates provided by corporate each month. My home studio often opts for a Tuesday. The app will label it as Tornado instead of the usual 2G, 3G, or 90.

Difference between 3G and Tornado:

  • Orange 3 Group (3G): The largest capacity workouts at OTF, with three groups working out simultaneously on Treadmills, Rowers, and in the Weight Room.
  • Orange Tornado: A 2 or 3-group workout that includes timed blocks in all three sections—treadmills, rowers, and weight room—and rotates in a counterclockwise “tornado” fashion. It’s high-energy, fun, and intense!

Tips for Crushing a Tornado Class

When I hit up a Tornado class, my strategy is all about maxing out the intensity on the treadmills and rowers. Since each block is just 3-4 minutes, I really push my limits—amping up the speed on the tread and pouring the power on the rower. Time’s too precious to waste, and if I slack off, my heart rate just won’t climb to where it needs to be.

On the weight floor, I might slow down a bit to nail my form, but I still keep the tempo as brisk as I can. And the moment I step onto that tread or strap into the rower, I’m giving it everything I’ve got. With all the quick switches in a Tornado class, those brief moments become my golden opportunities to catch my breath and prep for the next high-energy burst.

Final Thought:

Orangetheory Tornado classes provide a dynamic and engaging fitness experience that can help elevate your overall fitness, boost strength and endurance, and maximize calorie burn. These workouts cater to all fitness levels, with modifications available to meet individual needs and abilities. Under the guidance of a certified coach and within a supportive group environment, participants can enjoy a vigorous workout that challenges them to their limits and assists in achieving their fitness goals.


Can I attend a Tornado class if I have certain physical limitations or injuries?

Absolutely! Coaches can tailor exercises for those with physical limitations or injuries. Just make sure to chat with your coach before class to get the right modifications.

Is a Tornado class harder than a regular Orangetheory class?

Yes, it is. The continuous movement and quick switches keep your heart rate up, which can be more challenging for your endurance. Make sure you have the stamina for this kind of workout.

Is a Tornado class right for me?

If you enjoy a fast-paced environment, crave variety, and are looking to maximize calorie burn, a Tornado class could be a fantastic fit for you. However, if you prefer a more measured pace that allows for focused form on each exercise, you might find a regular class more to your liking.

What should I wear to an Orangetheory Tornado class?

Comfort is key. Opt for workout attire that won’t restrict your movements, including running shoes that provide good support, as you’ll be engaging in activities like running, rowing, and weightlifting.

How do coaches manage the flow of a Tornado class with multiple stations?

Coaches are key in Tornado classes, guiding participants through the timed intervals and station transitions with clear instructions and cues for a smooth workout flow.

Are Tornado classes suitable for beginners?

Indeed, Tornado classes are beginner-friendly and can be adjusted to suit various fitness levels. Coaches will offer alternative exercises to ensure everyone can participate.

What should I expect during an Orangetheory Tornado class?

Expect a fast-paced workout that moves you quickly between stations, presenting a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups and keep your heart rate up.

Will I burn as many calories in a Tornado class as in a regular class?

Tornado classes can be equally effective for calorie burn as regular Orangetheory classes. The high-intensity intervals and swift transitions between exercises lead to a high caloric burn.