Orange Theory workout today’s Intel – 04/08/2024 Monday– Infinity 60 minutes (2/3G)

Monday 8 April 2024 – Infinity 2/3G 60 minutes

This is like a mini chipper + the dri-tri floor prep all rolled into one and then tacking on an insane row + power jack block just for shits and giggles. All templates are a 3G today.

Tread Block

  • 3 min push
  • 1 min base
  • 2.5 min push
  • 1 min base
  • 2 min push
  • 1 min base
  • 90 sec push
  • 1 min base
  • 1 min AO
  • Collapse (member’s choice)

Row Block – 14 minutes

  • Reset monitor
  • Repeat until last minute:
    • 100m AO row
    • 20 x medicine ball power jacks
    • Each round take 2 off the rep count down to 2 reps and then back up again
  • 1 min AO row
  • Record distance
  • Collapse (member’s choice)

Floor Block – 14 minutes circuit

  • 40 x bench hop over
  • 20 x bench tap squat
  • 20 each x full step up
  • 20 x push up
  • 20 x low plank jack
  • 10 x burpee
  • Repeat until finisher: Member’s choice of:
    • 1 min of bench hop over OR
    • 1 min of bench tap squat OR
    • 1 min of full step up OR
    • 1 min of push up OR
    • 1 min of low plank jack OR
    • 1 min of burpee
  • Collapse (member’s choice)

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