Tuesday 21 May 2024 – Mayhem #4 “Ultimate Row Mashup” 2G 60 minutes
triggerwarning – today is a partner workout!
A lot of rowing today – three blocks where the goal is to collectively achieve 2000m and the bonus round.
Block 1 – 14 minutes
- Pacer – Partner A:
- 160m (0.1 mile) (PW half distance) push to AO
- 30 sec WR
- 160m (0.1 mile) (PW half distance) push to AO
- Tag Partner B when done and move to rower
- Partner B:
- 200m AO row, rack & rest
- 200m AO row
- When done, 1 and a half squat jump until tagged by Partner A, move to treadmill
- Repeat until partners reach 2000m (cumulative) and then bonus round
- Bonus:
- Partner A: 12 x TRX rollout, tag Partner B
- Partner B: boat hold until tagged by Partner A
- repeat until time is called
Block 2 – 14 minutes
- Pacer – Partner A:
- 500m push – AO row, tag Partner B when done and move to floor
- Partner B – circuit:
- 12 total x alt step back low row
- 6 each x cross back lunge
- 6 each x forward lunge with chop
- repeat until tagged by Partner A, move to rower
- Repeat until partners reach 2000m (cumulative) and then bonus round
- Bonus:
- Partner A: 1 min tread, tag Partner B, swap to rower
- Partner B: row until tagged by Partner A, swap to treadmill
- repeat until time is called
Block 3 – 14 minutes
- Pacer – Partner A:
- 8 x TRX bridge row
- 8 x TRX pull up
- 240m (0.15 miles) AO (PW half distance)
- Tag Partner B when done and move to rower
- Partner B:
- row for distance until tagged by Partner A, move to floor
- Repeat until partners reach 2000m (cumulative) and then bonus round
- Bonus:
- Partner A: 12 x sumo squat, tag Partner B
- Partner B: sumo squat hold until tagged by Partner A
- Repeat until finisher: 30 sec high knees